Recharging Expenses to Clients

  1. Go to the Reconcile screen.
  2. Go to the Create tab for the expense and click Add details:

Xero reconciliation view

  1. Click Assign expenses to customer.

    Create invoice in Xero

Note: Dealing with other currencies

When passing on expenses what we have paid in other currencies (cloud providers and so on), say in USD, it is useful to put the original USD amount in the description in Xero.

It should look something like this, where we have charged Smart Forests for use of Digital Ocean.

Noting original currency

This is particularly important where the collaborator is an academic that has been funded for a research project, where they might be subject to further scrutiny on the exchange rates.

  1. Search for the client, check the box and — very important — click the Assign button before pressing OK.

    Assign expenses in Xero

  2. Click Save Transaction.

  3. Create New Invoice. It will automatically say there is a billable expense to be added. Add the billable expense to the invoice.

    Add billalbe expense to invoice

  4. Save, approve and email the invoice!

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