Expulsion from Membership

A member may be subject to expulsion from the co-op if they fail to meet their obligations as a member. This might include consistently failing to positively engage as respectful equals with colleagues, or pursuing individual or factional agendas that run counter to cooperative values and principles, or our co-op policies.

Taking an active part in the running of the co-op is a contractual obligation for members. This includes attendance and participation in the governance and day-to-day management of the co-op’s business, including from time to time taking on specific governance and management roles and participating in working groups of members. Members will receive such information and training as may be necessary to take up these roles.

  1. A member may be expelled by a resolution carried by the votes of 75% or more of the members present and voting at a general meeting of the coop. The meeting must be called giving the member sufficient notice and details of the complaint. Proxy votes are not permissible, as members would need to hear the evidence before making a decision.

  2. Not less than 28 days before the meeting the member threatened with expulsion must be sent, in writing, a complaint of conduct detrimental to the interests of the co-op. The complaint must contain full particulars of the misconduct. The member must be invited to answer the complaint in writing within 14 days of him/her receiving it. The answer must be given to the personnel officer, who will distribute it to members.

  3. The member must be invited to attend the meeting and must be allowed to take part even if the member has not answered the complaint prior to the meeting. At the meeting the members must consider the evidence in support of the complaint and such evidence as the member may wish to place before them.

    If the member’s evidence is only placed before them on the day of the meeting the other members may decide to adjourn the meeting to another day not more than 10 working days after the day of the meeting. Should this occur, the member who is the subject of the potential expulsion shall be suspended on half pay until the hearing is resumed.

  4. If, after due notice the member fails to attend without due cause the meeting may proceed in his or her absence.

  5. A person who has been expelled from membership shall not be readmitted except by a resolution carried by the votes of at least three quarters of the members present and voting at a general meeting of which due notice has been given.

  6. If the meeting fails to vote for expulsion, but it is felt that there is still a problem, a grievance complaint may be initiated by any member.

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